The military crackdown of the protestors in Myanmar have intensified over the past several days with hundreds being reported as detained so far, despite receiving strong international condemnation.

On this backdrop, we noticed viral social media posts, which claimed that the US Embassy in Myanmar had requested the public to contact them, related to the unlawful detentions by the Military.

While there is no evidence to suggest that the U.S embassy in Yangon had made such an announcement by providing their contact information and offering to help in case of detainees, the US embassy clarifies that they would continue to voice their strong opposition and do everything possible to raise concerns about all those unjustly detained.

Social Media Claims:

Facebook user under the name "May Myat Mon" on May 1st posted the below post which received more than 5,000 re-shares. Following is the English translation of the caption originally in Burmese.

"If you are stuck, ask for help.

Those trapped were released by the US Embassy.

110 University Ave,

Kamayut Township,

Rangoon, Burma.

Phone: (951) 7536509

Fax: (95) - (1) -7511069

Email: [email protected]

Original Link - Fb link | Archive link

Similar posts that are being shared widely can be found here, here and here.

Following is a list of many other social media users who had posted the address and contact details of the US Embassy in Yangon claiming that public could seek their help in the release of detainees.

Statement made by the US officials:

The United States continues to strongly condemn, the Military coup in Myanmar. US President Joe Biden had called for an immediate end to the military coup and had imposed sanction on Myanmar military leaders who directed the coup on February 10th.

On February 22nd, State Secretary Antony Blinken tweeted that the US will continue to take firm action against those who orchestrated crackdown on the protesters. Moreover, US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said that U.S is coordinating closely with allies and partners to hold those responsible for violence on peaceful demonstrators. The US Ambassador to Myanmar Thomas Vajda released a statement saying that he stood by the protesters on February 7.

However, investigation on the US Embassy of Myanmar’s social media channels and official website did not yield any posts in which the US Embassy had requested the public to contact them in aiding with the release of detainees.

Statement from the US Embassy in Myanmar:

Fact Crescendo contacted the U.S embassy in Yangon to ascertain whether the widely shared information is valid and the embassy is working with the authorities to rescue those trapped or aiding in the rescue operations of the detainees. Ms. Aryani Manring, the spokesperson for the US Embassy in Myanmar commented as follows:

“We have seen a number of social media posts saying that people should contact the U.S. Embassy to seek assistance if they are detained while protesting.

The arbitrary detentions are alarming and we have repeatedly called for their release. As a diplomatic mission, we will do everything we can to raise concerns about all those unjustly detained.

The United States and many others continue to call, both publicly and privately, for the military to release all those arbitrarily detained, including while exercising the right to dissent”


Therefore, it is clear that there is no evidence to suggest that the U.S embassy in Yangon had made any public announcement by providing their contact information asking the public to contact them for help in the release of the detained protesters.

However, the US Embassy in Myanmar, as a diplomatic mission, ensures that they would do everything in their capacity to raise concerns about all those who are being unjustly detained and have repeatedly demanded the release of these pro-democratic protesters.


Title:Explained: Did the US embassy in Myanmar request the public to contact them for assistance in getting detained protesters released…?

Fact Check By: Nayar Maung

Result: Explainer